City of Orono’s key issues: Attempted and ensuing hostile takeover of Long Lake Fire Department; Public fire lane/lake access sale to city official; public access right of way given to city council member; conflicts of interest; citizen suppression; lack of due process; communication and ethical standards; treatment of citizens, staff and peers…

Below is a list of some of the media coverage over the past years in chronological order. This is in no way a complete list of documentation, rather, some of the news sources and/or documents that have been released regarding Orono.


This profane message was posted by Orono’s Lake Minnetonka Representative 1/15/24 in response to the Citizen outrage to his twitter feed (captured below). Is this a thinly veiled threat? Or just another slur at women and all the minorities he disparages below? How can he represent the Citizens of Orono when he clearly slurs women, Blacks, Asians, LGBTQIA groups and many others.

https://nextdoor.com/profile/016krFFCmN7LQjrDL/?is=detail_author #richanderson #richardanderson #lmcd

Screenshots of Orono’s Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Representative 1/2024 from Richard Anderson’s X feed. https://nextdoor.com/profile/016krFFCmN7LQjrDL/?is=detail_author #richanderson #richardanderson #lmcd

Screenshots of Orono’s Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Representative 1/2024 from Richard Anderson’s X feed. https://nextdoor.com/profile/016krFFCmN7LQjrDL/?is=detail_author #richanderson #richardanderson #lmcd

Screenshots of Orono’s Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Representative 1/2024 from Richard Anderson’s X feed. https://nextdoor.com/profile/016krFFCmN7LQjrDL/?is=detail_author #richanderson #richardanderson #lmcd

Hard copy handout from Orono Council member Alisa Benson to the Citizens of Orono 6/26/23. This appears to highlight the suppression of equal rights and free speech among Orono City Council members. Note how few committees Council member Benson has been appointed to and how many Mayor Walsh is on? Please ask Orono City Council for equal representation.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill




2 page letter mailed to Orono Residents dated 6/5/23 by four former Orono Mayors #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #mayordenniswalsh #mayordennywalsh @DennyWalshforOronoMayor @WalshforOronoCouncil #tajmahalpublicworksbuilding #longlakefiredepartment #llfd #orono @friendsoforono #spendydenny

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


2 page letter mailed to Orono Residents dated 6/5/23 by four former Orono Mayors #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #mayordenniswalsh #mayordennywalsh @DennyWalshforOronoMayor @WalshforOronoCouncil #tajmahalpublicworksbuilding #longlakefiredepartment #llfd #orono @friendsoforono #spendydenny

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


5/27/23 Laker Pioneer Newspaper via mail: Mayor Walsh extends reasoning for Victoria Seals resignation which took place behind closed doors without the public during/after a closed door legal meeting on May 22, 2023. This meeting was not recorded that we know of. If indeed Ms. Seals resigned for family reasons there should have been a public announcement. Citizens are questioning the resignation. Was she pushed out?

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


Fox 9 News covers the 5/23/23 Orono City Council meeting highlighting the voices of citizens.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


Once again, Orono's Mayor and Citizen Unrest makes nightly news - thank you Fox9 for bringing attention to how residents are treated and why. Channel 9 FoxNews 5/10/23.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


Eight former Long Lake and Orono Mayors submit a letter to the City of Orono to ask for public transparency in regard to meetings, budget and process. Submitted to the City of Orono July 20, 2022.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


The Executive Committee publishes a letter February 25, 2023 apparently negating previous statements by Orono Mayor #DennisWalsh. The letter is in response to a City of Orono Work Session meeting February 13, 2023 that is recorded here: https://youtu.be/CAqGbkoRh_o please see approximate minute mark 43.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill


Orono Council member Richard F. Crosby II (Jr.) attending a Governor’s mansion rally December 5, 2020.

https://www.facebook.com/DennisWalshforMayor https://nextdoor.com/profile/01cCZcgZpr7yxwjDC/?init_source=search&is=search&query=dennis%20walsh%20saga%20hill
